How to Take care of Yourself as a New Mom

Talk to other mums

Depending of where you live, it might be harder to meet new mums due to lockdowns and restrictions, however it is important that you at least join some online mother’s group. It can be so isolating and lonely if you don’t have any support around you. You will be suprised how many new mums feel the same and by connecting you will be supporting each other and feel like you are part of a community.

Have time for yourself

You must be thinking, time to myself? I don’t even have time for the new baby. At the beginning, even snippets of five minutes at a time, can make a big difference. Just to take a breather, to adjust and keep adjusting yourself to your new identity as a new mum.

Hire a Babysitter or a Nanny

If you do not have any support around, consider hiring a babysitter or nanny. You can start with as little as a few hours a day or a week. If this is not possible speak to your partner if you have one and arrange some alone time. This really helps you reset.

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